Hard Facts/Estimates:
There are sufficient resources in this world to feed each and every person yet,
- Hunger is the number ONE cause of death worldwide.
- One person dies of hunger related causes every 10 seconds.
- 10 million precious human lives are lost per year due to hunger.
- Most of the world’s under nourished are living in South Asia.
India facts
- India is home to world’s one third hungry people.
- Over 200 million people in India sleep hungry every night.
- This means one out of every eight people.
- More than 25 lakh die in India every year due to hunger related diseases.
- This means that 7000 people/day or 5 people/minute die just because of hunger.
- One out of every nine people is suffering from chronic under nourishment.
- 55% or married women are suffering from anaemia.
- More than 70% women and children have serious nutritional deficiencies.
Now the most disheartening facts
- Often it is the children who suffer the most.
- Every third child under the age of five dies just due to under nourishment.
- Almost 50% of Indian children are under weight.
- 30% new born babies are of low birth weight.
The ACT initiative
Hunger can be eliminated in our lifetimes. Ideally it is always better for a society to be self sustaining but the fact is that it cannot happen overnight. Until then it is important to lend a helping hand towards needy ones. In the first stage cash or food donations play a pivotal role in this regard. As relying on donations alone does not always guarantee food, at ACT, in the second stage we help families dealing with hunger and poverty in transitioning to a state where they are self-dependant.
Come… Join hands
Shastras preach ‘Annam Parabrahmam’. The whole Brahma, the Divine Consciousness is hidden in the food. Most of the people in this world are least interested in so called big achievements. What they want at the most is bread and peace. A small group of thoughtful committed people can bring a great change. Only the will to give and feed the hungry is required.
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